miercuri, 21 octombrie 2015

The Moldovan Game of Thrones: The takeout

The politics of Moldova has found a new lowest point yet and it's moving rapidly downwards.
Long story, short, the last 6 years were a passive-aggressive showdown between the entrepreneurs turned politicians: Vlad Filat and Vlad Plahotniuc. The later has always had the advantage, having a strong personal intel system and getting hold of the National Anticorruption Center, as well as the Prosecutor's office, as a result of the "algorithm" that was created by the first European Integration Alliance.

Political control over law enforcement is never a good idea, but, in this case, coupled with a corrupt justice system, it created the perfect opportunities for the heist of the century in Moldova, the embezzlement of 1 billion dollars from three banks, one of which was the backbone of the whole banking system.

The fraud took place gradually, as a result, most of the actors knew about it and did nothing. It culminated with guaranteeing of a National Bank loan to Banca de Economii by the government, then led by the liberal-democrat Iurie Leanca. This event gave the perfect opportunity for the embezzlers to put the weight of the missing money on the budget of the stat.

This was merely the first act of the farce that is the Moldovan political process. It went on with calling the Kroll investigators to find out what happened to the funds, which finger pointed towards Ilan Shor, a local business person of Jewish descent with strong connections to the Russian business world.

Also, I want to point out that in a small country with such a diverse pattern of family ties, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration is the daughter of the former President, as well as the wife of the now ex-Interim Director of the National Commission of the Financial Market, it would be virtually impossible to realize such bold movements without the help or the knowledge of the two Vlads.

So, most probably, both got a cut. Based on the latter declarations of Ilan Shor, Vlad Filat's cut was about 250 million. Also, the same business person says they've met with Mr. Plahotniuc in order to talk about the "financial problems" of the banks and that Plahotniuc warned Filat about himself taking serious actions if the later would not return the stolen funds. The sarcasm of such a declaration is at least self-evident.

Last Thursday, on the 15th of October, the Prosecutor General presented himself before the Parliament to resign. That was the agreement of the Alliance, as it struggled to maintain some kind of legitimacy in the wake of large public protests.
Instead, the Prosecutor General asked for the lifting of the immunity of the MP Vlad Filat, that was subsequently taken into custody and is still under arrest. He is an obvious, kind of guilty, scapegoat.

The conflict, which was fun to watch at the begging now resembles a slaughter.

Vlad Plahotniuc has a media empire: 3 TV channels, several radio stations and news sites. He is said to control the Communist Party and the Liberal Party fractions, beside his own, totaling a shifty 52 majority. Some claim that he was behind the 5 MPs that left the Liberal Democrat Party fraction and that he is financing the ex Prime Minister's Leanca group of 3 MPs. The only problem is that all of these parties have very different perspectives and the open coalition is impossible.
He also controls the National Anticorruption Center and the Prosecutor General that are to decide what happens next to Filat.

On the other hand, Filat has the Prime Minister that is already under the threat of a dismissal motion and has a Government that is only partly compliant. Also, the Minister of the Interior is particularly quiet lately, signs of a potential "Gentlemens Agreement" with Plahotniuc.
He is said to have co-financed the creation of the "DA" platform, one of the main forces behind the protest, bu their main claim was to get the billion back. Now, their rhetorics are a bit ludicrous.

The conclusions I take out of the last events are:
1. The billion issue isn't going to be solved. It is obvious that both Filat and Plahotniuc were involved and there is a slight chance that a small part is going back to the budget, but nothing more.
2. The Prime Minister will be demoted and a new coalition will be negotiated, most likely, a large one. I think that Plahotniuc is counting on the breakup of the Liberal Democrat Party, now that their leader is imprisoned.
3. Virtually, the whole state system is now under the control of Plahotniuc and the few officials that could oppose him are either inept or think about striking a deal. Moldova is a failed state. No doubt about it.
4. The events happening in Moldova may be a Russian strategy, but Russia may also sit back and relax. Most of the blame is on the inner actors.
5. Filat is a perfect scapegoat. And he gets what he deserves. Unfortunatelly, only him.
6. The Europeans and the Americans will negotiate with the winner. They understand the situation and have their own agenda. Not to lose their influence on the region. Period.
7. The biggest looser in the whole situation is the Moldovan People.

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